Jonah, the negative example of how our relationship with God should work
Our story so far:
- Called to go to Nineveh, one of Israel’s great enemies, and warn them of God’s coming wrath
- Ran away and took a boat headed for Tarshish, in Spain, the farthest point west that known to Israel
- Great storm
- Sailors pray to their gods, and Jonah slept
- The captain calls Jonah to the prayer meeting, but there’s no evidence he prays
- Jonah says they should throw him overboard, because he is the reason God has brought this storm
- The sailors do so only after realizing they cannot row their way out of the tempest
- Immediately, the storm calms, and the sailors praise the God of heaven and earth, offering a sacrifice to Him and making vows to Him
What we know or can surmise about Jonah from Chapter 1
- Jonah was the son of Amittai (faithfulness) — irony
- He hates (possibly with good reason, from his perspective) the Ninevites
- He was disobedient to God’s commission
- Prayer was not his first line of defense
- He understood and recognized God’s sovereignty over himself and nature
- He had a low value of his own life
What do we need to know about the rest of the story before looking at Chapter 2?
- He eventually went to Nineveh
- He did the very least he could do to answer God’s commission: “Yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown.”
- He believed God to be merciful and believed God would relent in His judgment if the people of Nineveh turned from their wicked ways
- He hated the people of Nineveh more than he loved the life God had given him
- He tended to seek God only in his distress (sea, fish, heat, vine)
- He was kind of a miserable snot
- This story, though there’s evidence (including Jesus’ reference to it) that it’s historical, is also an allegory about Israel at the time of Jonah
- They were self-righteous in their expectation that God would (as He had done so many times before) deliver them from their enemies BECAUSE they were His chosen people
- They had not followed God’s call to evangelize the other nations:
g., Psalm 67:2 — “God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us
That Your way may be known on the earth,
Your salvation among all nations.” - They sought God’s “judgment, justice and retribution for others,” while begging Him for grace and mercy for themselves (Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary)
Consider these things as we take a look at Jonah’s prayer in the belly of the great fish
- Do you see the echo of the Cycle of Sin that we talked about a few weeks ago?
- Summary verse
- Jonah in dire straits
- Jonah cries out for help
- Jonah delivered
- Note that Jonah recognized Who had put him in the situation
- The storm
- The sea
- The fish (frying pan and fire?)
- Criminals in jail
- “I have been cast out of your sight”
- “I was incarcerated on charges of stealing”
- versus
- “I was jailed for stealing money”
- “God had me tossed into the sea to get my attention when I was disobedient”
- This seems, at best, a weak recognition of Jonah’s own responsibility for his plight
- Jonah recognized God’s power, just as a criminal might recognize the power of the justice system, but something’s missing from his prayer
- Repentance
- Shame
- Willing heart
- Jonah cries out for help, and he praises God when he gets it, but his heart is unchanged
- Nineveh
- “When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord.”
- Again from Nelson’s Commentary: “The self-righteous make the grave mistake of rejoicing only in their own deliverance (2:9) and in God’s answers to prayer. They miss out by narrowing God’s grace and mercy to themselves.
- “And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.
- NKJV says “so.” Other versions say “And.”
- Your learner guide and my teacher guide suggest that Jonah’s prayer was one of repentance and that his repentance led God to release him from the fish
- I don’t see it
- Pastor Chris doesn’t see it
- I think God delivered Jonah IN SPITE OF his unrepentance
- Why?
- Merciful
- Patient
- Kind
- What can we take from seeing it that way?
- Why?
- God’s love preserves us, even when we’re miserable snots
- Don’t be that way
- Criminals in jail