There oughta be a law…

  February 12, 2017 Last week, I asked a question, somewhat tongue in cheek: What makes us so righteous? Can someone briefly describe the answer? Right. Our righteousness comes from Christ. We are clothed in Him. And being clothed in Christ means that we should look and act like Him. But the life of someone who is seeking to be Christlike is not an easy one. Jesus said, in Matthew, Chapter 7: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the … Continue reading There oughta be a law…

Heirs of God

  February 5, 2017 Last week, I asked a question to start things off. Anyone remember what it was?             Why are we here? Anyone remember the answer?             To bring God glory. I want to start this week’s lesson with another question and a warning. First the warning: Once again, I’m veering away from the text of the lesson, though perhaps not as widely as I did last week. I imagine Pastor Chris or someone from the Education Committee is going to come in with a shepherd’s crook some Sunday and drag me out of here. Until then…. So … Continue reading Heirs of God

Glorify God

  January 29,2017 Why are you here? Not just about Sunday School. Not just about church. Though it’s a good idea to remind ourselves from week to week why we really do these things — or why we should. Why do we exist? It’s a question that has been the province of poets and philosophers for thousands of years. Indeed, it’s a question that’s at the very root of art, music, literature and, yes, even Scripture. Why are we here? Hallelujah! There’s your answer. Plain and simple. One word in English. Two in the Hebrew from which it originates. Halllu … Continue reading Glorify God

The Amazing Transformative Power of Grace

(Message delivered July 12, 2015 at Open Hands Christian Fellowship, Suffolk, VA) You’ve seen these images of Haiti. Maybe you’re wondering now, like I did, how we can possibly fix all that’s broken in that poor nation. Where does one start on a project so large? The United Nations hasn’t figured the answer to that question. The American government hasn’t figured the answer. The Haitian government has botched it at every turn and in every different configuration. Money hasn’t solved the problems. Well-meaning people who have set up orphanages, started economic development programs, sent aid and comfort to the people … Continue reading The Amazing Transformative Power of Grace

Seek ye first….

Delivered at Open Hands Christian Fellowship Church on July 12, 2015 You’ve seen these images of Haiti. Maybe you’re wondering now, like I did, how we can possibly fix all that’s broken in that poor nation. Where does one start on a project so large? The United Nations hasn’t figured the answer to that question. The American government hasn’t figured the answer. The Haitian government has botched it at every turn and in every different configuration. Money hasn’t solved the problems. Well-meaning people who have set up orphanages, started economic development programs, sent aid and comfort to the people of … Continue reading Seek ye first….